I know how you feel… I had to do it myself, take the leap, that is.
The move from traditional to social and digital marketing can be daunting, yet IS a necessary move.
It seems every man and his dog is all of a sudden an ‘expert’ with his hand out ready to grab your hard earned cash with promises of ’thousands of Facebook likes’ or ‘1st page ranking on Google’ or a ‘killer website.’
Your competition too is getting savvy. You used to know who they were. Now they’re hidden behind online stores and social media pages. They’re switched on to what works and they’re all too keen to grab the biggest piece of the pie… including YOUR piece! They’re waiting to steal your clients and they’re getting good at doing it
If networking, referrals and local media advertising are your main source of leads, your business could be in danger of becoming obsolete!
If you are NOT consistently using at least 3-5 of these pipelines, alarm bells should be ringing.
Why you need to take action right now!
Social media has been a massive disruptor bringing more competitors to the market.
Young ones entering the market are internet marketing savvy. They grow up with this stuff! The online world is theirs. they are plugged in and fearless.
They can easily access your clients and in their world, everyone is fair game. And, to them, it is a game, a competition and it is all about winning.
Website and social media strategies are evolving on a daily basis. You blink and something changes. You need to stay on top of it to be noticed.
Don’t stress, simply make a change…..
Remember… Marketing is still about building relationships, the fundamentals haven’t changed, simply the vehicles.
Here’s the GOOD NEWS!
It’s actually easier (and cheaper) to attract clients to your business today than it has been… for a very long time. Online marketing platforms are accessible to everyone, not just those with a hefty advertising budget.
So are you going to get on board, or be left behind? Email michelle@ohmarketing.com.au now.